Monday, July 21, 2014

Books Set in the United States

The Racketeer, by John Grisham.  (2012)

I had not read any books by John Grisham in ages.  I picked this up recently and it was a fun, quick read.  The story kept my interest, however, it fell apart in the last 20 or so pages.

The legal thriller began when Malcolm Bannister, an African-American attorney lands him in a 10-year federal prison sentence on RICO charges.  Five years into his prison term, he invokes Rule 35, by informing the FBI that he has information on the murderer of Federal Judge Fawcett and his secretary/lover.

In return for his information, Bannister insists upon entering the Federal Witness Protection Program.   He tells the FBI that a drug dealer named Quinn Rucker, and who had escaped from the federal minimum security prison, murdered the judge as revenge for a failed bribery attempt.  The FBI catch up with Quinn but soon learn that Quinn is not the murderer.

Armed with a new face, compliments of plastic surgery, and a new name, Bannister, now known as Max Baldwin, succeeds in shaking his FBI handlers and sets up a fake film company that he uses as a front.  He convinces a former fellow prisoner, Nathan Cooley (who doesn't recognize Bannister due to his new face) that his is filming a documentary about corruption in the Drug Enforcement Administration and that Cooley would be an excellent informant.  Bannister succeeds in carting Cooley off to Jamaica, where he sets him up for cocaine possession, thereby landing Cooley a stay in the local prison.

Spoiler Alert:  It turns out that Nathan was the real murder of the Judge and that he stole millions of dollars worth of gold that the judge had received in his corrupt acts.

The FBI is ultimately informed of the real killer.  Rucker is released, Bannister gets the gold, which he splits with Rucker and they live happily ever after.

3 Stars  (because of the fairy tale ending)

Read:  July 21, 2014

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Books Set in England

Alphabet Weekend, by Elizabeth Noble (2005)

I was disappointed in this novel.  It reminded me of a romantic comedy movie.  About 9 years ago, I read The Reading Group by the same author and enjoyed it.  I, therefore, had high expectations for this novel.  It was predictable.  It was an easy read, but not stellar.

3 Stars

Read:  July 19, 2014

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Books Set in Asia: Israel

My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel, by Ari Shavit (2013)

4 Stars

Read: July 6, 2014

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Books Set in Australia and England

The Forgotten Garden, by Kate Morton (2008)

4 Stars

Read:  July 5, 2014